Do you really want a personal trainer?
Still sitting on the fence about hiring a personal trainer? let’s talk it through! We will cover the benefits (some a little unexpected…), and what SHOULD happen when you take a step closer to taking on a PT. Read on!
The old-school image of a personal trainer shouting and barking orders at a client who is at the point of near collapse is pretty outdated. Yes, there are probably a few trainers out there who like to train via ‘tough love’ but the majority (hopefully!) provide a far more caring and fun training environment. It is easy to train someone to exhaustion but just to make it clear that is NOT the point of PT!
At Fitforit we specialise in one particular skill……… getting people to enjoy their health and fitness journey! Consistency is key to success, and surely the key to consistency is to enjoy the task???? We love our jobs and have a great time at work with our clients! We want to make everyone feel comfortable, relaxed, and able to have fun during their sessions. The loyalty shown by our clients is testament to that.

Its educational!
Yup, that sounds a bit boring and geeky but a personal trainer should be explaining not only what to do, but WHY. At Fitforit, a focus from day one is to enable our clients to build their own workouts, to know not only how to perform exercises correctly, but how to pull them together to make a great workout that suits their time/goals/skills set. Not knowing what exercise to do at the gym or at home is the root cause for many people feeling frustrated and un motivated to workout.
How many times have you set the alarm for that early morning workout and hit snooze too many times or left work and decided the couch rather than gym is the best place for you? Very few people do either when they have a date set in the diary with their trainer. We will not only hold you accountable for your sessions but also for the challenges and changes that have been put into place to get you to reach your goals. P.s, being held accountable isn’t about being given into trouble or judged, but we can have an honest *slightly awkward* conversation!
Perfect your form!
Far too many people have wasted YEARS in the gym using poor form, not only will they have hindered their progress but will leave themselves open to injury. The speed at which you can reach your goals will be much quicker with good technique. You will look and feel stronger and have better posture with an expert guiding you.
Setting and reaching goals
Managing expectations and setting realistic achievable goals is key. Trying to hit an unrealistic goal is incredibly demotivating and can destroy confidence. At Fitforit we like to ‘layer up’ small habits so that each week/month you achieve and succeed at something new. A steady happy level of progress will get you results, but most importantly make it last a lifetime!
Now that’s the obvious benefits, but what about the bits you don’t expect???
You are more likely to reach your goal faster Yip, no messing about in your session! An hour with a PT will give you a far more efficient workout than you would do yourself. It is pre-planned and ready to go! It’s an excellent choice for time poor people (who isn’t time poor these days???). As the journey to your goal will have structure, mini goals will be set and your progress will be monitored and assessed, there is far less chance of you losing track or straying (too) far from what you are supposed to do.
We are often your unofficial therapist!
A lot of our session time will be chatting about work, friend’s and home life. We hope that our clients become comfortable enough with us to tell us if they are stressed or worried. This has a genuine impact on your training and how we might train you that day. It could be affecting how you eat/train at home, how you sleep and your energy levels. For many of our clients the time spent at Fitforit is the only ‘me time’ they get. It is healthy for you to feel like you are doing something for yourself!
Improved mental health
It is now far more common for exercise to be recommended as part of treatment for many mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Releasing endorphins, spending an hour devoted to you and your health and having another shoulder to lean on can help everyone’s mental wellbeing.
It could be fun exercise!
Perhaps the most stunning revelation for people is that they end up enjoying exercise! At Fitforit one of the most rewarding moments with a client is knowing that they no longer dread exercise, they experience the variety of benefits from working out and LOVE their PT sessions! Let’s face it, it’s so much more fun working out with someone else, makes the time fly by.
Hopefully this has been quite a compelling read, your next step is to have a consultation and in depth conversation with your potential PT. Here is what SHOULD happen…..
They SHOULD be actively listening and hearing your story, your worries and asking questions that delve deeper than food and exercise history.
They SHOULD ask about aches/pains/niggles and ask if a GP would be happy for you to exercise.
They SHOULD discuss your nutrition. This is an important part of anyone’s journey to better health, no matter what your goal is.
They SHOULD walk the walk, they don’t have to look like a cover model (phew!) but should have a healthy balanced lifestyle. The Fitforit team are honest about our love for beer and cake (PIC OF US PARTYING?) but we train regularly and live a balanced sociable lifestyle that allows to be healthy but have fun. That’s what we want to teach our clients.
The SHOULD have experience, have testimonials, case studies and stories from clients who may have followed a similar path to yourself,
Personal training Glasgow southside
They SHOULD manage expectations and give an indication of how long it could take to build habits and to get to your end goal. The Fitforit team also use this as a time to start to introduce the concept of trying to enjoy the process and not just wait for the result.