Looking for a Glasgow BOOTCAMP?
Well let me do a short introduction to who we are and answer some of the questions you might have. Fitforit’s outdoor bootcamp is one of the longest running in Glasgow. You might have known us as Parkfit but we decided it was easier for everyone if it came under the Fitforit banner, it is the still the same fun and inclusive group it always was.
We pride ourselves on being Glasgow’s friendliest bootcamp. We have an amazing bunch of loyal members, many who have been with us for over 5 years, yet we are continually welcoming new faces into the gang. The good vibes we give out are down to our members being lovely people, the fact that we enjoy a good night out as a team (hic!) and that we design our sessions so that anyone can join and work to their own ability.

Fitforit outdoor bootcamp is genuinely suitable for both beginner and more advanced fitness levels. Most people who join do feel they need to lose weight, and if you read some of our TESTIMONIALS you can see it works! Interestingly the very people who appear the fittest at our bootcamp are the ones who have come on the biggest journey, that’s what helps us be so unique. We also have members who enjoy longer distance running, love the outdoors but want to break up the monotony of running. Adding in the body weight exercises we prescribe massively improves people’s strength and endurance in running.
What happens at bootcamp?
We do not use any equipment at bootcamp apart from our natural surroundings. Each session is different depending on the instructor, their mood and the weather! We do not run a ‘military style’ bootcamp and are not ‘shouty’ coaches, that’s not our style. Yes, the classes will challenge you, but ultimately you are in charge.
There is some running (don’t be afraid, not far!) and lots of body weight exercises that work the whole body to help build strength, power and cardio fitness. We play games and do team work too, anything to trick you into getting a good workout.

But isn’t it cold and muddy???
Yup it can be! Weirdly that’s why the guys love it. It’s a great escape from being stuck indoors at work all day. It is an amazing way to lift your spirits even when its raining. The comradeship with the gang when it gets really muddy is hilarious! It doesn’t happen often and you would be surprised to find the weather isn’t as bad as you think. We have NEVER had to cancel a class due to weather.
I don’t think I am fit enough for bootcamp, what if I get left behind?
This is a common worry, but everyone has to start somewhere! We have a very mixed ability group, and you can work as hard as you want. The way we design our sessions means that no one gets ‘left behind’. The most important factor, especially when you start, is to do what you can manage and enjoy yourself! If you need to slow down or stop altogether to take a breather that is ok. Remember if you only do half the class it’s still more than you were doing before!
Great! Where do I sign up?
Well first of all we would love to offer you your 1 week free trial. Test out 3 classes. From then you can sign up on a no contract monthly standing order. That gives you access to every class, the private members group, you will be sent our healthy eating guide and even a home workout guide in case you cant make bootcamp!
We look forward to seeing you at a Fitforit Boootcamp soon!