Pre and Post Natal
In Glasgow Southside
Pre and Post Natal Training at Fitforit Glasgow
The Fitforit team have trained many women through their pregnancy and after. If you have already been exercising and fall pregnant it is completely safe to continue your training for as long as your doctor deems you well enough or until you, as an expectant mum, feel able to continue. Keeping mobile, strong and fit for as long as possible during your pregnancy will greatly benefit you and your baby.

“”Despite being a bit nervous about starting back training after having my 2nd baby, Emma made me feel really comfortable and at ease. I have been amazed about how fast my confidence and strength has come back with the right training plan!”” Lynne Glasgow

When you feel ready to start, or return to exercise after giving birth, a post natal assessment will be carried out by Emma. The consultation will include an examination of diastasis (separation of the stomach muscles) and an in-depth discussion of your over health and lifestyle. Considering the changes in your body and its needs we will deliver a training programme that will build up your strength and confidence. We need to take into account that your life, not just your body, is different now you have a new family member!
Any woman who has had children can be considered post natal. If you feel there are any issues or concerns following on from any of your births in relation to how you move forward with your exercise plan, then please feel free to contact us for a chat.
Book your free consultation and taster session →