“The Hardest Worker In The Room”
First off, I would like to say that as a huge wrestling fan when I was younger (and still today) I couldn’t be a bigger fan of Dwanye ‘The Rock’ Johnson. If you don’t know him, what rock (pun intended) have you been hiding under.
He is an inspiration to millions and millions of fans around the world, and regularly shares the experience of being down to his last seven quid (well, bucks but we are in Scotland) and videos of himself working out and a swathe of merchandise for training, of which I own many, much to the detriment of my savings.
Among this
merchandise are t-shirts, emblazoned with his famous motivational phrases, such as.
“ The Hardest Worker In The Room.”

Now, this is where, in my opinion, Dwanye’s message is flawed. Don’t get me wrong, I love the sentiment. Hell, I even own the tee-shirt but this message is not for everybody and I’ll explain why.
When deciding to get fit (again). Most people and we see it time and again, get so caught up in wanting to do it all…yesterday. They believe that they need to take a hardcore approach and more often than not will crash and burn. They then decide that getting fit and staying there is not for them. I’m sure the following scenario will resonate with many of you…
January 1st comes, you are in the zone and book into all the classes you can or google The Rock’s (insert any other celeb/influencer here) workout programme and decide that’s the way forward for you because this time you will ‘smash it’, ‘new year, new me’, ‘no pain, no gain’ etc. You go to class and try and keep up with people who have been training consistently, the class flies by, you are dripping in sweat, the feelgood hormones kick in and boom you’re hooked, ‘I can do it this year’.
You go to the gym follow the celeb programme, where the volume is through the roof, again you finish the workout exhausted, sweat dripping, the blood has filled the muscles and feeling great. You go to bed that evening, exhausted but looking forward to tomorrow’s workout.
You wake up the following day and you are walking like C3PO (insert C3PO GIF), which in turn leads to you thinking that you can’t possibly move how you used to move ever again. The planned gym session/class for today gets cancelled. Then following day the muscle soreness is worse, there goes another day of feeling unable to exercise. You get back to class/gym, wake up in agony and This trend continues until you decide that being fit isn’t for you. Then months down the line, the cycle begins.
Let me guide you onto a better, more attainable path to fitness and health. The 3 x 52 method.
3 x 52
Let’s jump in the delorian back to Jan 1st. You have decided that this year getting fitter and healthier is the goal.
You decide that this year you plan to get to the gym (or yoga, running, something – ANYTHING) 3 days per week, 52 weeks of the year. This could be a standard 3 x per week full body programme, you might decide to get a trainer who programmes for you. I could be a HIIT class. Some days, it might be yoga, martial arts or whatever you want.
It doesn’t matter, what matters is being in the room.
This will undoubtedly lead to positive change across the board. Their will be improved fitness and health markers. Depending on the modality of choice, your skill levels will improve also. This method also allows for rest days and offers flexibility to plan training around your life.
And during those 156 sessions during the year, there will be ample opportunity to be THE HARDEST WORKER IN ROOM.